Thursday, February 18, 2010

Next Steps And Other Things

I got an email from my IF (intended father) yesterday, letting me know that the egg donor whose answer he was awaiting has agreed to work with him! YAY! Now I guess it's just a waiting game to see when we start the screening and contract processes.

I can't even begin to say how cool this is; to finally get beyond the matching process. Of course, the clinic may find something about me that isn't good enough, but I doubt it. I'm in good overall health, I'm losing size (I don't care about the weight factor; I've always technically classified as "overweight" [read: with a 36" bust, 28" waist and 36" hips, I hovered near 150 lbs]).

Another up for this week: a dear friend who's being deployed at the end of the month has come early to visit! We stayed up for a good long time last night chatting and enjoying one another's company. I'll miss her plenty when she leaves, but I'm so glad for a chance to see her before she does. And she's promised to send me her address when she gets settled in so I can send her care packages and write to her, etc.

A downer, however, is that my oldest friend's grandmother is dying. She has lung cancer and the doctors aren't sure if it's metastasized to her brain. Another family member reported that she had had an incident where she was certain that renegades had taken over the nursing home where she's receiving care. My friend was a little hesitant about visiting if gram was still in that state, and since I had promised to visit again anyway, she asked if I'd go with her. Fortunately gram was fairly lucid except for one quick instant, and she seems to be fairly comfortable and has accepted her circumstances most gracefully. At one point, she told me and my friend that she wants us there with her when she dies. So I grinned at her and asked, "Alright, have you got a date set for it yet?" That made both of them laugh, and then she told us that it's nice to have people she can talk to, comfortably, about dying. And she asked to meet my husband, so I told her we'd stop by tonight.

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