Monday, June 9, 2014

Most Normal Visit To Date

What a weekend, ladies and gentlemen! Thursday night my friend BAMF’s maid of honor and I threw her bachelorette dinner, including a Zombie scavenger hunt (since BAMF and The Ginge’s wedding invitation said that they’re going to vow to survive the Zombie Apocalypse together). Friday we all drove out to the wedding site for the rehearsal and dinner, which were lovely and filled with laughter. Saturday was the wedding, of course. It was a warm, breezy, pleasant day in the back woods of the Green Mountain State, and the ceremony was short, sweet and just dorky enough to be fun. I looked like a blob of key lime pudding in my bridesmaid’s dress (which, sadly, I had picked out. Ah, maternity wear), but Hubs assured me I was the prettiest blob of key lime pudding ever.

We also got to spend time each day this weekend with our friend OtherWife who was back from California just for the wedding. We only get to see him a couple times a year, so this was a real treat!

Miss Pooka got to go on an adventure of her own this weekend – to Quebec City and Montreal with her school. They stayed in hotels with guards on each hallway (a school requirement), took a dinner dance cruise down the Hudson River, visited lots of historical sites and had dinner in a fancy Brazilian restaurant.

This morning Hubs and I got to sleep in a little bit, since I had an OB checkup at 9:15. Of course, OtherWife left this morning to go back to Cali too, so he came with. Pretty much everywhere he needed to go this weekend, we were going at the same time. Convenience for the win! He and Hubs dropped me off at The Big Hospital and sped off to enjoy some man-time in the Queen City for a while.

Mum and Dad arrived a few minutes before we were called in for our appointment, and I regaled them with some of the finer points from the weekend while we waited. I also gave them a crocheted giraffe that a very thoughtful coworker of mine had made for them. Apparently crochet is magic. To be fair, my crocheting skill is minimal at best, and I couldn’t hope to reproduce this adorable little plushie, but I get the basic concept of crochet. Ha!

My blood pressure was elevated a little, and I have gained an embarrassing ten pounds since my last appointment. I am choosing to the gain on water retention, as my feet are already swelling – perhaps from so much time on my feet this weekend, coupled with the heat and delicious, but salty dinner on Saturday night. The nurse took my blood pressure again a few minutes after the initial 120/80 “shock” and indeed, it had come down to 110/70. Much more acceptable.

Dr. Firstname saw us today, and while we waited for him to get the Doppler ready, Mum got to feel Nugget kick! It was a weak one because inevitably when you WANT them to move, they don’t. Then when the person who wants to feel the movement goes away, baby goes NUTS. Little bugger. Anyway, Nugget’s heart beat was at a steady 120, then the Doppler got kicked and his/her heartbeat went up to 140, as it should.

I got paperwork for the ghastly Glucose Tolerance Test, to be performed between June 23 – July 7, and we were told to schedule another appointment for July 7. After that we’re down to the “every two weeks” mark. Holy crap, ladies and gents! How the hell did this pregnancy go by so fast? Mum and Dad say it’s been slow, and I get why that might be the case for them, but for me it’s absolutely flying! Maybe it’s because I’m used to it by now? I dunno. I’m okay with this.

Hubs and I are toying with the idea of maybe applying for a home finance loan so we can actually buy a house. Nothing is set in stone; we don’t even know if we’d be eligible for a realistic-sized loan. But it’s something to think about, and if we can do it, it would be nice to be able to live in a place we own and can renovate and decorate however we want.

I guess that’s it for now, on the surrogacy end. Other stuff happens, but doesn’t belong on this blog. J