Wow, what a day! It has definitely not qualified as one of the most normal ones I've ever had. Perhaps this is the aforementioned "event" about which I spoke in my previous post.
Hubs and I got up and got ourselves and Munchkin going; got Hubs off to work and scooted back home to bring in the last couple things that still lived outside. As I was settling in to futz around on de Facebooks for a little while before I had to leave, I got a phone call from The IVF Clinic's cheery receptionist, asking if I'd be willing to make it in between noon and 12:45. Being 9:00, I figured sure, I could probably do that. So I headed out early. The wind and rain picked up about an hour and a half south of home. It tried to push me around a little, but I've driven in nasty windy blizzards before; it's far easier to compensate in warm rain than freezing rain or snow.
Half an hour out from The IVF Clinic, I got ANOTHER phone call from them, asking me if I could come in even earlier. Seriously? The receptionist was clever enough to note that my home address is THREE HOURS AWAY - How does that somehow change from one staff member to another? *headdesk* I told the woman I was already en-route and would be there within half an hour. This did not seem to please her, but I wasn't going to speed into the outer edges of a hurricane, thank-you-very-much.
Once I arrived, however; the staff were as pleasant and welcoming as if I had handed them each a million dollars. They pretty much always treat me that way (which is why I was so jarred by the brusque treatment I got during the second phone call.) The transfer was done by a different IVF Doctor, but he was just as confident and reassuring as My Normal IVF Doctor.
They transferred three embryos. One was 9 cells; one was 8 cells and one was 4 cells. The IVF Doctor said it went very well, and that the embryos look good. I'll be calling The IVF Clinic probably tomorrow or Wednesday to ask them to sent a requisition for blood work to The Local Hospital for a pregnancy test on November 9th. WOO!
Outside the IVF Clinic, the wind was so strong it whistled past the doors, and several gusts were strong enough to almost knock MY fat @$$ over. I made it home safe and sound though, with one pit stop at Cracker Barrel for lunch. I learned an important lesson there: Eating lunch by yourself in a sit-down restaurant makes you look sad and pathetic. From here on out, I'm gonna stick to drive-thru.
Once back in my neck of the woods, Hubs and I picked up various alternative light sources; some extra water, and dinner since the power was out. Of course, about two minutes before we turned to go downtown, the power came back on. Better that than extended outages before the thick of the storm gets here anyway. I also found out that state offices are on a delayed-opening schedule, so even if work DOESN'T get canceled, I get to sleep in! WOO!
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