Friday, August 22, 2014

Quit Pressuring Me!

So as you may all know: my due date is September 29. I don’t think I’m gonna make it. Yesterday and today have been jam-packed full of Braxton-Hicks contractions regular enough so that I have to go to the loo every ten to fifteen minutes, and strong enough that walking is, well… Interesting.

I’m not losing any fluids, and there’s no blood and no plug, but based on the direction of Nugget’s movements now compared to movements on Monday at our OB appointment, I feel it’s safe to suggest that the baby has flipped over so he/she’s vertex (head-down). Based on the ridiculous amount of pressure in my pelvis, I’m thinking that she/he has engaged.

And so begins the process of slow and steady cervical dilation and effacement. Be prepared, people. Dr. Colorful says that the most recent birth experience is generally the best indicator as to what to expect for the upcoming one. That said, I remind you that Tempest was almost exactly six hours from that telltale *BANG* between my hips, and delivery. This one will likely not last even that long.

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