Friday was a fairly productive day. I got to sleep in till
7:30 which, for the record, is when I typically start my day at work. Got Pooka
up and headed for school, showered and was on my way to The Big Hospital by
One of the things I love most about Dr. Badass is that she’s
completely frank with me. Not to mention quick-witted and charismatic. Anyway,
she walked into the exam room, dropped my chart on the little desk, flopped in
the chair and declared that she was so excited to see my chart come up on her
pile today, because she trusted that she could just relax and be aware that if there was
anything wrong, I’d already know it, declare it and probably already have a handle on it. Admittedly, I puffed up over this. Most doctors treat their
patients like they know nothing and don’t pay attention to their bodies at all.
As it happened, I did tell her that Tempest was putting a
lot of pressure on my pelvis, and that I could feel the bones moving. I told
her I knew it was normal; it’s just more noticeable this pregnancy. She told me
it’s called symphisis pubis separation. SYMPHYSIS, not SYPHILIS! Stupid spell-check. I also told
her that I had started to have swelling in my right ankle and foot. In light of
my blood pressure (128/78) that morning, I doubted it was anything about which
I needed to be overly concerned, but that I was going to try to watch my sodium
intake; read labels, etc. and see if that helped. She agreed that it’s not a
big deal, especially since no other parts of my body are swollen, but that if I
wanted to try to slow up on sodium, it couldn't hurt. (At this point in the
pregnancy with Wiggle-Worm, I was already wearing my wedding and engagement
ring on a cord around my neck. They’re still fitting loosely right now.) My
uterus was measured and declared perfect (See? They always use that word with
me), as was Tempest’s heartbeat, and the visit was basically over.
Some other personal things came up which required a bit of
legwork in and around the Queen City, and after that I sneaked over to the big
mall to check out the maternity clothing store (CatButt accidentally tore my
favorite preggo yoga pants) and walked out with a SUPER soft, comfy pair of
preggo leggings and four cute, girly preggo shirts. Damn that store. The
clothes are a little pricey but everything I try on makes me feel adorable, so
I always spend more than I mean to. I picked up a new strapless bra from VS so
I can wear a couple other tops that really aren't made to wear with a regular
bra, and then grabbed a pretzel from Auntie Anne’s (so much for sodium watching
on Friday!)
Home again to get some more chores done and help Pooka get
ready for a school dance, and then I was free to nap until she got home. Did I
mention that Hubs was off visiting his parents in the Mid-West all week?
Normally I get mopey and whiny when he’s gone, but this time I was able to just
settle comfortably into some “me” time with Pooka and wait patiently for him to
come home just in time for Mother’s Day.
I also got to see Wifey in “The Good Doctor” on Saturday
night, which was hilarious and fantastic. She played “The Mistress” in act one,
and did such a magnificent job in the role that I honestly hated her during
that scene. In act two, she was the “Defenseless Creature.” I laughed so hard
my stomach hurt. She’s got a real knack for physical comedy – and subtlety too;
don’t get me wrong – it’s just that when she hams it up onstage, it’s really
hard not to crack up.
Overall, a pretty decent week, I’d say.
Addendum as of noon today: One of my former coworkers left a balance-ball chair in her space when she left. I emailed her boss to ask if I could borrow it for the duration of the pregnancy. He just brought it in. TALK ABOUT INSTANT RELIEF! My coccyx and back feel so much better already!
Addendum as of noon today: One of my former coworkers left a balance-ball chair in her space when she left. I emailed her boss to ask if I could borrow it for the duration of the pregnancy. He just brought it in. TALK ABOUT INSTANT RELIEF! My coccyx and back feel so much better already!

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