Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Perfect. (Well, Almost)

I don’t think I’ve been scolded so much by an obstetrician since I was pregnant with Pooka, thirteen years ago. Back then, the doctor gave me a hard time because overall I gained about fifty pounds with her. Yesterday, Dr. Firstname shook his finger at me for losing weight. I lost four pounds between the second and yesterday. Between March  7th’s visit and April 2nd though, I gained nearly ten. Overall, I think it kind of evens out, since the only thing I’ve changed since April 2nd is that I stopped going to McDonald’s for breakfast and I’m back on the bike when weather conditions permit. (Sorry, but I’m not going to ride in 27°F weather while I’m pregnant. I need my immune system to remain in working order.)

Oh, and I’m “just a little bit anemic.” Dr. Firstname says I should be able to remedy this by just eating more red meat. Oh no! *hand to forehead* Not more red meat! ANYTHING but that!

It also turns out that the local hospital is basically incapable of turning out proper phlebotomy lab results. This is the second time in a row for me, but hardly the only times it’s happened. I’m not sure what’s going on up the hill, but I’m a bit concerned about the output from their lab. A coworker told me that her husband, according to the local lab, might have a bladder/kidney infection or it could be bladder/kidney cancer. Um… HELLO! That’s a pretty drastic difference! Not impressed. I’ve therefore resolved to save myself the trouble and just go straight to the Big Hospital for all my lab work from here on out.

Oh! Right! So we had an ultrasound yesterday. One thing I love about going up to the Big Hospital is that they keep using the “P” word for me and Tempest. This, of course, reassures I.F. and makes me feel awesome. Tempest’s growth is Perfect. His heart rate is Perfect. My blood pressure is Perfect. The dangle of his choroid plexus is smaller than it was at the last ultrasound; and his lateral ventricles are less wide as well. This is a good thing, for those of you who don’t want to look them up on Wikipedia. Short version: His brain looks great. The marginal umbilical insertion (his umbilical cord being attached at the side of the placenta against the uterine wall, rather than smack-dab in the center of the placenta) is not hindering his growth, and the doctors (yes, doctors; I.F. asked several of them, just to reassure himself) don’t foresee it becoming a problem if it hasn’t by this point.

So yeah; except for losing a few pounds myself, and eating more red meat, we’re just Perfect.

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