Got a call from the IVF nurse at The IVF Clinic a little over an hour ago, and...
That's right, ladies and gentlemen; nothing beats the Uber-Ute! I'm pregnant with surro-baby #2!
My hCG levels were at 70 as of this morning. What the doctors like to see at this stage of the game are hCG levels between 50-100, so this is good news. Granted, last time they were at 89 at this time, but we're also talking about a frozen cycle, so this is still encouraging. Now to think of a new nickname, cause "Wiggle Worm #2" just doesn't cut it.
I.F. called a little while ago to see if I had heard the good news yet. As any good IVF clinic should, they notified the real parent first. This pleases me greatly. I told him that yes, I had in fact gotten a voicemail from the nurse, instructing me to continue on my meds for now, and advising me where my levels were. Based on my conversation with I.F., they should double between now and Friday, when I go back up to the little hospital to get stuck again. I.F. was so excited; he said he didn't really think that things would take on the first try. He underestimated the power of the Uber-Ute. Haha! (This is me posing impressively.)
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