Friday, July 26, 2013

Matchsticks, Round 2!

I got the new potential Intended Parents’ profile today! What? It’s not like I’ve been waiting on pins and needles, bouncing in my chair or anything… Totally haven’t been. Hush, you.

I really like the sound of this couple. No joke. I do. Especially Mum. The parents and the carrier are all asked: “What is your philosophy in life?” Her answer was one simple word: “Laugh.” If nothing else had won me over in this stage of the matching process, that alone would have done it. Laugh. It’s one of the biggest, and probably my favorite part of my relationship with Hubs. Our wedding was all about it. Much of the way we interact with Pooka is about laughter. Seriously, that was the best answer Mum could have given. Dad’s answer was excellent, too: “Stop and smell the roses as often as possible.” I interpret this to mean, “Choose to focus on the positive.” Perhaps I’ll ask if that’s what he meant when we talk on the phone.

The Coordinator and I emailed back and forth a little bit this morning and I expect I should hear back from her within the next couple days to arrange “the phone call.” If we still like each other at the end of the phone call, we’ll schedule an in-person meeting. I’m not sure what Mum and Dad’s expectations are on that score – if they’ll want to meet and get things moving right away so that once I’ve got the green-light from their fertility specialist, we can do a transfer, or what.

That’d be another new adventure. It looks like Mum & Dad started out with the same fertility clinic I visited for Wiggle Worm and Tempest, but that they switched to another one which I presume is closer to home for them. This might mean all new psych screenings as well as the standard physiological tests. Or their clinic might accept our evaluation results from the previous clinic, given that we’ve done two surrogacies at this point. I’m not that bothered either way. I know how the process works, and I’m still mentally and emotionally fine with handing over a baby that isn’t mine. The only “concern” anybody might raise is that not everyone’s personalities are compatible. But you know what? The Coordinator is VERY good at her job, and I’m pretty easy to get along with.

I think that’s pretty much all I have for speculation for today, but I promise to post more for all you rabid readers, once I have more to share. In the meantime, th-th-th-That’s all, Folks!

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