Saturday, July 27, 2013

First Impressions

Well, Mum and I got to talk on the phone this morning and I must say she sounds like a thoughtful, easygoing kind of lady. So far I think she's marvelous. Her phone voice comes across as bubbly and cheerful but not so perky as to be obnoxious. Her questions were organized, which always impresses me, but she let the conversation sort of go wherever it went. She's highly complimentary and laughs easily, which once again I like very much. She also expressed that communication via email and text is easiest for her, which works beautifully for me. I'm the same way. It's not that I don't like to talk on the phone, it's just that email and text is so much less intrusive on other people's space.

Mum asked me about our little family, and about myself. I told her we're a little cluster of nerds - that Hubs and I met on a role-playing website (not a kinky one, but like Dungeons and Dragons. Get your minds out of the gutter) and didn't actually mean to fall in love with one another initially. That Miss Pooka is nearly thirteen; that we have a feline companion who named himself CatButt; and that we're a bunch of homebodies. We talked a little about our jobs: How Hubs is a licensed high school English teacher, but that teaching gigs are slim on the ground, so he's busting his butt in the kitchen at a local restaurant to help make ends meet. How much time I took off of my job after I had Tempest. That kind of thing.

We also talked about how much involvement she might like to have in the pregnancy. Mum and I both agreed that the more involved she is, the better. And Dad too, of course, but I suspect that the menfolk in this arrangement will be supporting cast rather than taking up starring roles. I know Hubs will, at the very least. I explained to her that I've got no problems being touched, and that I'd prefer that she and Dad make themselves as well known to their munchkin in-utero as possible.

We exchanged cell phone numbers and email addresses, and I've given her the link to this blog, so now I have to be super careful of what I say. Ha! I grew up in a family where the dynamic was: If you're not picked on, you're not well liked. I therefore submit that I shall remain irreverent here and anywhere I can get away with it.

Anyway, Mum and I have been texting off and on since our phone conversation. We're meeting up for breakfast down in her area (which is not actually near her Clinic, as I had suspected, but IS near the airport where we're picking Pooka up from her two-week vacation out in California with my Mom and StepDad, Lord and Lady Bear, Stepsister Moop and her Hubs and Monkey) tomorrow morning, right near the airport. Convenience for the win!

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