Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Sponsored By The Letter "D"

The last of my fears regarding this pregnancy have been obliterated as of today.

As I expected, the staff at The Big Hospital was extremely friendly, and they were all pleased to see me again. Apparently Dr. Badass WAS there and was bummed that I hadn't gotten an appointment with her, but the nurses assured her that I had asked for her specifically, and that I would try to make as many of my upcoming appointments as I could, with her. It's nice to be wanted.

I met with a new obstetrician, instead. (I'll call him Dr. Goggles, for lack of a better nickname.) He was pretty cool; very laid-back and easygoing. He asked if I minded if he brought in a student, because Dr. Badass had told him I was a good practice-patient, and didn't normally mind. I didn't. She was very nice, if a little nervous. It was clear that she was still pretty wet behind the ears, so I went easy on her. She took lots of notes in a little black book - something I've never seen before - but I heard her chatting with the new OB outside the door, so I assume she was taking notes to report back to him and get his evaluation of her performance before he came in.

I have to admit, I was more than a little relieved at how laid-back he was. I was on a relatively tight schedule, and didn't REALLY want to go have tests repeated that I had done back in March at The IVF Clinic. So I didn't have to get re-tested for STDs, and I didn't have to get tested for diabetes! WOO!

Anyway; fears have subsided. Today's ultrasound was sponsored by the letter "D" for Doctor. One of the fertility specialists at The Big Hospital came and did my ultrasound with yet another student. They measured Tempest at around 7 weeks, 3 days, so that put my due date (by their calculations) right around the same time that the IVF Clinic and I figured it - July 19th-ish. The IVF Doctor said that within the next couple of weeks (post-visit-with-him), Tempest's heart rate should be up over 120 beats per minute. Today it was 136 beats per minute, which the Fertility Specialist said was excellent. I've never had an ultrasound done by a doctor before; I like it! It cuts out the middle-man, so I get to know what I need to know right away!

I emailed I.F. all the information and asked what his schedule looks like, so I can try to arrange further appointments when he's available. Hopefully he gets back to me soon. We're looking at sometime between January 4th and 11th for the next appointment.

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