Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Went to see the gynecological specialist at the Big Hospital today. She was reassuring, but said I definitely need to have a hysteroscopy, and made it clear that she wanted it to happen soon. She was friendly and outgoing, and I liked her immediately. She actually reminds me quite a bit of the doctor who delivered Wiggle-Worm. She gave me a pelvic exam (which I think made hubs a little uncomfortable, as I told him to stay in the room with me. He stood up by my head) but said she was comfortable going on the ultrasound results from the fertility clinic, and I therefore wouldn't have to have another hystriosonogramthingyofdoom.

So I have surgery scheduled for April 25. I'm sure the big boss lady is less than excited about this, as we have fieldwork scheduled for that week. Honestly, though; this is something bigger than just prepping for another surrogacy. This is something I would need to have done regardless. The doctor says I need it. My immediate supervisor has given me her blessing, so that's that.

On the subject of my new boss: I'd like to say that so far, she's turning out to be just as easy to get along with as my former boss. Old Boss Lady was friendly and a little aggressive, but not offensive. We had a lot of fun picking on each other on long car rides (and, admittedly, in the office) and we laughed a lot. New Boss Lady is quieter, but just as friendly and just as willing to laugh. Now, I realize that they aren't there to be my friend. They're there to be my supervisor and to make sure I'm doing my job and doing it well. But I know my job. I do my job well anyway. So there's a little bit of room to be friends, and that makes the job so much more pleasant.

Also: I've lost a total of six pounds so far, between watching my calories and exercising. I think I may have gained a little bit back this week, due to a little caloric overindulgence and a bit less exercise than usual. I was wiped out when we got back from the Big Hospital today, so I skipped the usual extra-eleven-mile bike ride and 90-minute hot yoga class I do on Wednesdays. I've been practically religious about exercise and diet, though; so a slip-up here and there can be forgiven, I think. If nothing else, I can always do the biking and yoga on Friday if I feel up to it. I just might do that. Or do some riding this weekend. We'll see.

Anyway, back on topic: The doctor says that even if she has to do some major cutting where the scarring is concerned, she's confident that an estrogen regimen, followed by a reintroduction of progesterone and estrogen together, and then a reintroduction to birth control pills should put me right. Now, depending on how much cutting she needs to do, I may wind up with what amounts to a balloon in my uterus for up to 5 days post-op, or I may be able to get away with a copper IUD (intrauterine device; it's a T-shaped piece of plastic wound up in copper, usually used as a birth control method. I had a plastic IUD with low level hormones from 2005-2010. Fabulous thing.) The intent is to prevent the interior of my uterus healing and therefore fusing itself to another part of my uterus. These are things I can live with.

The doctor also reassured me that this shouldn't put me more than a month behind our original schedule, so that should put I.F. and the agency at their ease. And while this is nice, it really did me good to hear it. Regardless of the surrogacy (sorry, I.F.) the idea of not being able to have any more babies of my own scared the bejesus out of me.

And yes Hubs: you were right. Again. As usual.

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