Monday, March 26, 2012

Screenings 2.0

Hubs and I went down to the fertility clinic on Friday, to be screened for surrogate pregnancy number two. The testing was easy; their phlebotomist gives really good needle, and the PA-C I saw for the sonohystogram was very gentle. Last time, having my uterus pumped full of saline solution was rather painful. Of course, this time I was also instructed to take 600mg of ibuprofen an hour before testing, which I did. I assume this also helped.

I talked with the head nurse about meds and learned that, assuming all of our tests come out well, I should start my hormone regimens fairly quickly. Because this is a frozen cycle instead of fresh (meaning I don’t have to sync my body up with an egg donor), the transfer date will be 16-20 days after I start meds. My guess is that this will happen in late April, early May.

After testing, we had a lovely lunch at the same restaurant IF took us to when we did testing for Wiggle-Worm. The food was delicious and despite the fact that I ate FAR more than I usually do, I still had a “B” from my phone’s calorie count application at the end of the day. We had a leisurely ride home; taking several detours along the way; stopped off in West Lebanon to pick up a couple books; got “The Walking Dead” issue fifteen for Hubs and “The Hunger Games” for Munchkin, who has been clamoring for it for almost a month now.

We dropped the book off to Munchkin at my dad’s house, then toodled up to a restaurant/pub our friends have been visiting for several months now. The food was delicious, and we got to try a new kind of Woodchuck, of which Hubs has become quite fond. It’s called Belgian White. It’s made with orange and coriander. Very good stuff. I got some excellent pulled pork and discovered that sweet potato fries; my very favorite fries on the planet; are NOT on the no-no list! WHEE!

We were going to go bowling with the friends who recommended this restaurant after dinner, but it turned out the bowling alley was packed, so instead we stopped off at their house and dropped off some books that Hubs had read for the Green Mountain Book Award Committee. Our lovely little friend ran a 10K race on Saturday, so she needed to get sleep, but her other half was working in town and they’re a one-car-couple at the moment. So I got to drive her brand-spanky new car into town!!! I guess I know what I’m getting once my car is paid off!

The rest of the evening was quiet and included much snuggling and appreciating the wonderful day we got to spend together.

The weekend was project-time. I finished rebuilding my mother’s couch, finished stripping and sanding the old family bench that goes with the table that’s not yet done being stripped at my dad’s house. Gave it a first coat of stain, too. It’s going to look lovely. Sunday I re-mounted the bedroom blinds in the windows instead of using the cheap plastic brackets that kept falling apart. I’m considering getting some kind of translucent contact paper or other frosting agent to cover Hubs’ window in his Shame Closet and maybe the big window in the bedroom too. That way I can open the blinds and still get plenty of light, but not have to be seen by the neighbors. Anyway. I cleaned the bedroom and washed the windows while playing my own personal “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” marathon on Netflix. –nerd-

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