Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Ok, I’ve had it. I’m done. I’m sick and tired of being fat and saying I’m going to do something about it and then falling off the wagon moments later.

I have done the numbers and come to the realization that if I bust my hump and really stick to it, I can SAFELY get to my goal size in 7 months. “Less than a year,” says I, “that’s no time at all!” And if I’m good at nothing else, I am good at working hard. If I look at this as a project, I can do it.

I’ve therefore recruited some friends to help me stay on track, and will begin biking in to work every day, starting tomorrow. No excuses. I will pack up the necessary bathroom items so I can shower when I get to work. I will set my alarm a half hour earlier so I can snooze and snuggle hubs and not feel like I’m losing out on that time. I will reduce my portions at meals. I will not give in to “the easy route” when I’m hungry. I have already downloaded a calorie counter for my phone, and will not exceed 2400 calories per day. I will go to yoga classes again (thank you, gaming group, for that gift certificate, by the way!) I will learn to run. When I can’t get outside to exercise, I will do pilates or aerobics inside (I’ve discovered both on Netflix, and my yoga friend gave me a yoga mat, so no more excuses there.)

It’s time. I hate looking in the mirror. I hate looking at pictures of myself in high school and college. I want to look the way I used to. And I will.


And nothing stops me when I am determined. NOTHING.

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