Saturday, September 4, 2010


Monday 8/30/10 I went up to the big hospital and had my endometrial lining measured to see how well it was progressing under the effects of the estrogen I'm taking. It measured at 1.4mm. According to the nurse at the clinic, it should have been at about 7mm after 8 days. Needless to say this resulted in my feeling inadequate and otherwise blah. My wonderful hubs, however, decided that this was not to be borne. So he spent about half an hour explaining the "magic" of the female reproductive system. Apparently there is a pixie duck (the result of misspeaking when trying to say "pixie dust" and just going with the mistake) that rules everything having to do with my vagina. It oversees the elves that live in my ovaries and mine my eggs so that they can load microscopic cannons at the entrance to my fallopian tubes and shoot the eggs down them once a month. Except that the liopleurodon (dinosaur - see post from August 12, 2010) has been storming through my ovaries, stomping and killing the ovarian elves faster than they can reproduce; which has made life very hard on the pixie duck.

Anyway, the nurse at the clinic instructed me to start taking my estrogen pills three times a day instead of two, and take them vaginally. This has resulted in my conviction that I am becoming a Smurf from the girl-bits, out. The pixie duck finds this confusing.

As a result of my new found Smurfdom, my endometrial lining grew 3.8mm over the course of three and a half days. As of a little before 3:00pm yesterday, my uterine lining measured at 5.2mm. The nurse and the doctor at the clinic, as well as my I.F. are all very pleased by the progress my Smurfiness has made and figure that I'll be at adequacy by Monday or Tuesday.

I have also been scheduled for yet another ultrasound down at the clinic on Wednesday morning, so that will be a lovely 6+ hour round trip. Ah, well; I figured I'd have to do some traveling for all this anyway. It's supposed to be a full-obstetrical ultrasound, whatever that entails. I'll post details when I get back from it.

Oh, and one more thing: Assuming everything is still going well on Wednesday, we're looking at an embryo transfer date sometime around September 12th. HUZZAH!

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