Thursday, February 28, 2013

Preggosaurus Rex

I’m not gonna lie; it has not been a great month, and I am in a crap mood. I spent the last two days in the hospital with what the doctors could only assume was a kidney stone. Because I’m pregnant, they couldn't do a CAT scan to confirm it, but I've never felt pain like that before. I’d rather give birth naturally to triplets than go through that again. I managed not to have any pain from 3:00 am yesterday through 3:00 pm, so they let me go home.
Last night I had some tenderness in the general kidney area, but no significant pain, so off to work I went this morning. Now I've got tender kidneys and the constant urge to pee. Freaking wonderful. So I get to go back to the doctor at 4:00 today. I asked Husband to pick me up some of those pills that make the urge go away unless you really have to pee, but he’s got gout, and needs to wait for his own pain to subside before he can help me.

Oh, and because I was stuck in the hospital on Tuesday, I had to cancel/reschedule the ultrasound I had scheduled at The Big Hospital that day. So you’re all going to have to wait to find out if Tempest is a boy or a girl.

On top of this, I got an email from the job I was hoping to get, saying they’re not even going to interview me. So I’m stuck in my dead-end job for who knows how long.
My car’s alternator shat the bed last Friday and I had to pay out the nose for the tow; and while our friend The Ginge gave me a break on the cost of replacing it and came to our house early Saturday morning to do it, it still didn't do the bank account any good, and ate into our rent budget for March. Plus, I got chased by a skunk while walking The Ginge’s new puppy while he was working on the car.
Husband has gout and therefore lots of pain of his own, and Pooka and I are dealing with a crap-ton of stress on another level which I will not discuss here.

I am therefore demanding that March be a good month, because February SUCKED.

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