Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Princess Wiggle-Worm

Is all kinds of wiggly. My I.F. isn't going to name her until she's born, and since it's not my place to give her a proper name, I have dubbed her "Princess Wiggle-Worm." My I.F. finds this amusing, so perhaps it will even stick! Wouldn't that be hilarious?

I developed a birth plan last week, and showed it to my I.F. for his approval. We're going to go over it in more detail later on, but for now it sounds as if he's alright with most of it.

Oh! So the second round of plague turned out to be a systemic allergic reaction to the erythromycin I was administered by my regular doctor. Was it my regular doctor who discovered this? Nope. It was the obstetrician. I went to his office the Friday following our ultrasound looking like I had lost a boxing match with a kangaroo. Fun. Anyway, it's mostly cleared up now, but I have now developed two blocked lubrication ducts in my right eye. I suspect this may have something to do with the fact that I had to spread vaseline around my eyes while I was recovering from the allergic attack, so that the skin around my eyes wouldn't crack and bleed. That was fun. Hopefully these will resolve themselves soon and it will be life as usual again.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Illness and Better News

Last Wednesday night I went to see the doctor for itchy, puffy eyes. Of course, I thought that it was conjunctivitis (pink eye), so the NP gave me a prescription for erythromycin to treat it. On the way home I was suddenly attacked by several different forms of The Plague. The battle was short but hard-fought. I tried to summon my immune system to provide backup, but it was being kept busy in the general area of my navel, protecting the little bun in my oven. And so my defenses fell and The Plague took over. For five. Freaking. Days. Over the course of these five days, what was left to me of my Immuno-Forces was able to slowly beat back The Plague, with the help of Robitussin DM, Vicks Vapo-Rub, Sleep, My Mum, My Hubs and My Munchkin. I'm still a little plague-ridden, but it's on the run. During the course of this epic battle, I discovered that the erythromycin was not fixing my eye problem. So I sent Hubs out to contract with the forces of Claritin, to see if that might help, and fired the eye goop. This helped. A visit to the doctor again last night provided an extra antihistamine and a prognosis of "stop using the blanket your mother-in-law gave you, as it seems to be the only variable since you left home." My eyes are currently looking like they're about 90 years old, but at least I can see through them now!

Today I got to go to the big hospital for the final ultrasound! This was the anatomical one where they check to make sure the baby has all its bits and that those bits are working as they should. It's also the one where they can tell what the baby's sex is! HUZZAH! Thankfully, my I.F. wanted to have this information, so I can now safely tell all that IT'S A GIRL!!! The doctor said she's in perfect condition, is exactly the right size for her date (which as of today is 18.6 weeks), and all her bits are working perfectly. (He said "perfect" a lot.) This means that the chances of chromosomal abnormalities is down to no more than 1%, which was a relief to I.F. He was more worried about that than finding out the baby's gender. He didn't really mind which sex the baby was, just so long as she was healthy.

Don't bother asking me about names for the baby. She will be named after she's born.

P.S. Hubs and I are thinking we'll start trying to get pregnant for ourselves around December, 2011-January, 2012, barring other people's needs (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!) or unforeseen circumstances.