Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Moving Forward

I got a phone call from the gestational carrier coordinator at the clinic yesterday, asking about a couple of dates the hubs and I will be available to do our medical screenings. It's going to take two consecutive days to do it, so it looks like we'll be staying overnight. The dates proposed by our IF were May 3-4 and May 13-14. We can't do May 3-4 because we'll just be getting back from visiting the in-laws, but I told the coordinator that May 13-14 will work. Heh; maybe they'll change it to May 24-25 and we can relax a bit in honor of our first anniversary.

I'm also being started on a birth control pill to regulate my cycle tonight. This pill is called Aviane. I'm picking it up tonight. We'll see how that goes.

Monday, March 15, 2010


I got an email from the carrier coordinator today, and it turns out that my IF is fine with the hoops my employer has chosen to ask us to jump through. Now to wait for the agency to send me their written response.

I also got an email this weekend from my IF saying that my medical pre-screening (i.e. review of my records) went very well, and that we should be meeting with the clinic for our full screenings in a month or two. Yeah, they screen the hubs as well. I guess it's two consecutive days of screening, but I'm assuming that the costs are covered by the agency or our IF. Either way, we'll make it happen.

I somehow need to figure out a way to approach the Commissioner about this whole thing too, since it technically counts as a second job. Not quite sure how I'll word that, but I suppose if I wrack my brain hard enough, I'll come up with something eloquent and diplomatic. Meh.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Still Waiting...

I got an email from the agency's carrier coordinator today saying that she hopes to have the response for my employers to me today or tomorrow. Obviously today is over with, so perhaps tomorrow I'll have it. She was kind enough to reassure me that everything looked fine, and that the proverbial hoops set forth by my bosses should pose no problems. Which means that I should also be hearing from the coordinator soon regarding certain parts of the contract that need to be discussed, which in turn means that the hubs and I should be heading to Massachusetts soon for medical and psychological screenings.

On top of all that, I've gotten back into riding my bike to and from work, which means about 8 miles round trip and somewhere around an hour's worth of exercise every day. I had noticed that my waist had thickened again, which is discouraging as all get out, and I need to do something about it. On top of exercising, therefore, I'm going back to re-learning to eat. Instead of gorging, I'm limiting myself to FDA recommended serving sizes, with healthier foods and more than just 3 a day. My hope is that this will boost my metabolism and help me keep weight off; not to mention get me into good habits. I'm not a diet kind of girl, but I don't like being this big, and I don't want to do it anymore. So I'm gonna do it the right way, dammit!