Thursday, August 20, 2015

Dropped Shoes

Ladies and gentlemen, I do apologize for the long hiatus. Pumping and commuting and working and family things have kept me insanely busy since February, then not too long after I stopped pumping I picked up a second job which takes up plenty of time four days a week on top of my usual five day work week.

Anyway, Husbeast and I started “trying” back in April. Thinking things picked right up, I got my hopes right up around the stratosphere, figuring I was definitely pregnant when I still hadn’t had a cycle by the end of May. All the tests I was taking came up negative though. I called my OB and was told to give it a couple more weeks and if I still hadn’t had a menses, to make an appointment to be seen. Well wouldn’t you know it: Within two days I had physical proof that I was not indeed pregnant. Talk about a letdown.

Not to be deterred for long though, we continued our efforts to conceive through June and into July. Once again, I found myself “late” on my cycle – at least according to the tracker application on my phone. Six days and numerous negative pregnancy tests later, my body once again proved that no, here was evidence of absolutely no pregnancy.

Husbeast assured me that we just needed to keep trying (I think cause he enjoys the process), and it’ll happen. So here I am thirteen days late, two negative tests sitting in the bathroom trash at home, wondering what on earth is going on. I read last night that it can sometimes take until the day after a missed cycle for the embryo to implant, which means that beta hCG levels won’t be easily detectable as early, but I’m still waiting for the other shoe to drop.