Friday, November 8, 2013

Moving Right Along (Haha! Multiple Entendre!)

Hubs’ and my blood and other test results came back from the IVF Clinic last week. Neither of us have any sort of venereal diseases or infections, but we knew that anyway. My CBC came back a little odd though, suggesting that I might be a teensy bit anemic. I kind of figured it would. I’ve been slightly anemic since shortly before I gave birth to Tempest. But I’m taking iron supplements and eating a lot of leafy greens, so the IVF Doctor isn’t worried and says we can still go ahead with Mum and Dad’s baby. I’ll just have to keep taking iron and may have to add one more supplement to my regimen during the pregnancy. Hubs’ tests all came back 100% normal.

I’ve got a tentative schedule in my email for the start of my meds, monitoring and embryo transfer.
December 23:  Begin leuprolide (dinosaur shots) to stop ovulation
December 27:  Last birth control pill
December 30:  Morning ultrasound to check the thickness of uterine lining
                       Start estrogen pills and patches
January 3:   Increase estrogen
January 7:   Morning ultrasound to check the thickness of uterine lining
                  If lining is thick enough, IVF Clinic will begin prep for transfer
January 12: Embryo transfer (as long as my lining is thick enough)

I’m waiting to get a more detailed calendar, but this is what I have so far. I’m still not sure if the IVF Clinic is going to let me take progesterone the way I took it before since they’re doing my estrogen the same way I did with Wiggle Worm and Tempest, but we’ll see! I know Mum was strongly advocating for it.

To follow up on my previous off-topic note: I’ve lost four pounds since the beginning of October. Ha! Four pounds and two solid dress sizes. When I started all this health and fitness stuff, I was a solid size eighteen. I am now a definitive fourteen. My goal is to be a ten by New Year’s. And at the rate I’m going, I may just do it, too. Ultimately I think I’d like to be a size eight, but that’s the smallest I think my bone structure will let me go, and I’m more than comfortable with that.

Back this summer, I started trying to use a jogging application called Couch-to-5K. My brother, Lord Bear, recommended it to me. The first workout has you do a brisk five-minute warm-up walk, then alternately jog for 60 seconds and walk for 90 seconds, for a total of 20 minutes, then do a five-minute cool-down walk. I couldn’t jog past the first 60 seconds.

Well on Wednesday, I had planned to go visit my Auntie and do some quilting after work. She lives almost exactly two miles from my office, and since I had built Couch-to-5K (C25K) into my workout schedule for this month, I figured I’d do that to get to her house, rather than asking Hubs to drive me. Well, Pooka was sick and needed Mommy, so I canceled on Auntie, but still had to do my workout. Guess what, people? I CAN JOG! Not only did I do the first workout, I did the second one too! First, I was only half way home when I finished the first one. I still had two miles to go! And I still felt pretty good, so I figured instead of just walking the rest of the way home, I might as well do some jogging too! The circuit training, or whatever it’s called, has made me stronger and given me more stamina than I’ve ever had before! Ladies and gentlemen, I know this isn’t saying much for some of you, as some of my friends are fitness professionals, but I have never felt so badass in my life!