Friday, December 6, 2013

Moving Further Along...

We’re almost there! I should be getting my medications (read: hormones) and accoutrements (read: small, sharp, pointy things) around the middle of next week. I’ll start my “dinosaur shots” – 10 units of leuprolide acetate every evening - on December 22nd. This should be interesting. I haven’t had to take dinosaur shots since the IVF cycle with Wiggle Worm more than two and a half years ago, and it made me kind of insane for a couple days. Not literally, of course; I was just a blubbering mess. So yeah: Interesting.

The day after Christmas I stop taking birth control and continue on with the dino-shots. By that time my brain should be used to the leuprolide (I hope) and I’ll be easier to deal with. Hubs, Pooka and I have gotten pretty good at realizing and communicating when we’re feeling wholly unreasonable. It’s so much easier to say, “I’m feeling [sensitive/hormonal/needy/antisocial/whatever] right now, so I need [support/patience/love/alone time/et cetera] from you,” than to get into a tiff because I can’t take a moment to realize how I’m feeling and what I need.

December 30th I go up to The Big Hospital for monitoring: ultrasound to check the thickness of my uterine lining, and blood work. That evening, I start estrogen by pill (estradiol) and patch (Vivelle). It’s the same regimen I used for the last three IVF cycles, but the nurses have to be thorough, so I’ll get a phone call once the results of the monitoring make it to the New IVF Clinic to make sure I know what I’m doing. I’ll also halve the amount of leuprolide I take, starting that evening.

January 3rd I increase my estradiol, and continue on Vivelle and 5 units of leuprolide. January 7th I go back up to The Big Hospital for another ultrasound and more blood work. If the lining of my uterus (endometrium) is thick enough, an embryo transfer will be scheduled for January 12th. If not, I’ll increase my estradiol again, and go back in several days later for more monitoring and THEN they’ll arrange for an embryo transfer.

The nurse informed me that once the transfer is scheduled, she’ll go over the changes in medications with me at that time. But we’re sure that I won’t be using Crinone gel as my progesterone: I’ll be doing that as an intramuscular injection. Momma tells me it’s uncomfortable, so I’m not excited about it, but what must be, must be.

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