Monday, December 30, 2013


Well my first pre-transfer monitoring happened this morning. Not much to report on the medical side; the doctor says everything looks normal for having had the menses that The Clinic predicted I would. The odd thing is: The nurse who brought me in for the ultrasound said I’d be dealing with a lady doctor. The doctor who came in (and had a badge matching his name) had no female accompanying him. He was wholly professional and did the same thing every other ultrasound doctor has always done, but I thought it was a little odd. I emailed my favorite nurse at The Big Hospital to ask if that’s normal, and am waiting for her response.

UPDATE: I heard back from my favorite nurse. The doctor who did the exam was a fellow of the doctor who was listed on my chart. She's notified the upper echelons of his slip-up today in not having a chaperon during the exam, though. 

So far I’ve been relatively level on the dino-shots. I’ve had a couple “needy” moments, but Hubs and Pooka have been exceptionally obliging on that score. I start estrogen tonight and decrease the amount of dino-meds I take. I had a panic moment a couple minutes ago and called my poor Hubs to wake him up and ask him to check my supply of surro-meds to make sure I have patches. I do, and he was most gracious about his sleep being interrupted. (He works two jobs now, amounting to some 17-hour days – not every day, but enough that I try not to interrupt his daytime resting.)

This weekend I had a house full of crazy teenage girls. They made a HUGE mess, which was to be expected. I told Pooka and her friend “Vriska,” who spent another night so her mom could try to get over a nasty migraine (plus I like having her around) that they could just chill: I’d take care of clean-up. I then proceeded to hang out in my room and watch TV on my iPad and patch up a favorite pair of jeans. When I emerged from my laziness, my house looked like I had cleaned it up myself. The girls tidied up their mess, washed and put away all of the dishes, vacuumed, wiped down the counter and stove, and took out the trash. Words cannot describe how positively this impacted my day! I have the best kids in the world. (Yes, I know Vriska isn’t mine, but she calls me “OtherMom” so she’s my other kid.)

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