Monday, December 23, 2013

Commencing IVF Cycle #4

Last night was my first dinosaur (Lupron) shot. It didn’t hurt, really, but my belly itched for a few minutes where I administered the injection. Oh well. There are bigger problems to have. The interesting thing about it was that within an hour, I was suddenly very sad and clingy. Hubs was accommodating as ever, and I was able to identify that I was hormonal and needy so I didn’t flip out. I was able to just ask Hubs to come give me a snuggle – he did – and that was enough.

Aside from that moment of mope, I’ve honestly been okay. I was groggy this morning, but I think that’s just Monday for you. We had a long, fun-filled Solstice weekend, and I dropped off to sleep very quickly Friday, Saturday and last night.

I did seriously pig-out this weekend; and I neglected my water intake and had a lot of sodium, so I’m really swollen today. There. I admitted it. I don’t feel bad about it, but I’m going to have to be really diligent about food and water and exercise this week. Two cheat-days in a row are not going to help my waist line. It’s not going to do a whole lot of damage, but it’s not a good habit to get into, either.

I’ve decided to take a rental car down to The New IVF Clinic for the embryo transfer next month. There are several reasons for this:
1.) Trains take just as long to get there as cars, and if my lining isn’t ready on the day we’re tentatively scheduled, it will be very expensive to change the ticket.
2.) If we book a flight ahead of time and the ticket needs to be changed, that would be even more expensive than if I took a train and changed the ticket.
3.) If we wait until the last minute to book a flight, it’ll be crazy expensive and I’d probably wind up taking long, round-about flights again because the nonstop flights would most likely be full.
4.) If I take a plane or train and I need to go out for something, I’ll have to call a limo to take me because there aren’t any taxi services in the town where The New IVF Clinic is, and those are PRICEY.
5.) I like driving.

The Carrier Coordinator at The Agency said that they’ve tried lots of methods to get rental car companies to charge The Agency’s credit card for their carriers and have had no luck. On a whim last week, I called the one across the street from my office and asked if they could charge a car to The Agency listing me as a subcontractor. (Well I am. I provide a service to their clients, but am not their employee.) The rental company said sure; they just needed The Agency to fill out a form and provide their card and the ID of someone who’s authorized to sign on the card. The Carrier Coordinator still isn’t sure this will work, so she’s had an advance sent out to me to cover food and possible rental expenses. If the rental goes through The Agency’s card, she’ll just deduct that amount plus whatever isn’t used for gas and tolls (for which I must provide documentation) from my transfer fee.

I honestly have to say: this cycle is SO much more conveniently arranged than the last three. I haven’t had to pay up-front for anything at all. It’s been so much easier on my budget. And while it would be nice to have Hubs or Mama come with me, I’ll most likely need both of them to be back home to stay home at night with Pooka. Anyway: Mum and possibly Dad will be there for the embryo transfer, and are staying in the same hotel. I like that they’re so hands-on and so involved.

Mum and Dad sent us a lovely holiday package last week: We got a bundle of DELICIOUS chocolate chip cookies (which were gone before 8:00 pm that night) and some cookie bars that Hubs said looked and tasted a little like Samoas. Whatever they were, they tasted of chocolate and sugar cookie with a hint of peanut butter and coconut shavings on top, and they are my new favorite confection! We also got a lovely scented candle in a velour covered box, and a bottle of dark nail polish with a fancy emery board. I felt sort of bad that they had spent so much money and effort on us, when all we sent them was a jar of “baby dust & sticky vibes.”

Anyway: Whee! The cycle has officially started, so send me all the baby dust and sticky vibes you’ve got! I want to get this right on the first go!

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