Monday, August 11, 2014

Happy Tummies and Big News

Seltzer - particularly lime-flavored seltzer - is the most wonderful thing human beings ever created. It’s fizzy and makes me burp (but then again, breathing makes me burp these days), but it’s not the unpleasant kind of “oh my god, PREGNANCY” burps, and even the first sip settles my angry stomach.

I can’t eat within three hours of going to bed or I wake up with screaming acid reflux and have to sit up every fifteen to thirty minutes to belch. I can’t eat large portions unless I plan to be on my feet and walking for twenty minutes at a minimum. I could eat an egg, cheese and bacon breakfast sandwich or a mixed green salad with fruit in it and some light vinaigrette dressing – its’ all the same to my body right now. The only thing that seems to “do it” for me, is sipping seltzer between bites.

Nugget has also concluded that somersaults are super fun and must be performed at the most awkward moments for his/her incubator. S/he’s taken to doing it while I lay on my side, as if using the mattress as a springboard. Catbutt seems to find these abdominal acrobatics exceptionally amusing, and like to flick my belly with his tail, hard enough to get a reaction out of Nugget… While I’m trying to sleep. This game generally takes place around 4:00 am, daily.

Last Monday’s OB appointment was par for the course. Nugget’s heartbeat is normal, and Mum got to hear it over the phone. She and Dad decided to skip the appointment due to illness on Mum’s part. She didn’t want to get me and Nugget sick too. I appreciated that. Dr. Colorful threw me a curve-ball on Nugget’s gender too, so now I have no theories at all as to his/her sex! Blargh! Oh well; we’ll find out in seven weeks, give or take.

In other news: We’re moving to the greater Queen City area next weekend. We put the deposit and first month’s rent down on our new place right before our OB appointment. The new place has two floors and is quite a bit larger than our current place, with much more storage; one and a half baths; in-apartment laundry facilities and a DISHWASHER! I cannot tell you how much those last two please me. We actually have our own tiny little laundry room with full-sized washer and dryer.

There are a couple very minor cosmetic issues, but I can fix those easily and cheaply. The tension rod in the upstairs (full) bathroom is rusty and needs replacing, but I have two of those already, so I don’t even need to spend money on that repair; and the vanity light covers in both bathrooms need either a good scrub or replacing. No big deal; I suspect that a short soak in hot water with a little bit of “Barkeeper’s Friend” and some elbow grease will brighten those babies right up. There’s also a tiny chip in the laminate counter top in the kitchen, but we have a marble cutting board that will probably live on top of it anyway, so no harm done.

Anyway, we still have our current kitchen and a few loose items to pack, but by Friday we should be good to go. I’ll report more once our stuff is all safely ensconced in the new apartment! Whee!

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